Thursday, August 26, 2010

Running with the Pack

Greetings to all!! My name is Tianni Rowley and I will be keeping up with the boys this year and keeping you posted through the website about functions and achievements our young men are doing.  Please check back often, I plan on posting something at least once a week.

Welcome to Pack 348!  This blog will be dedicated to our boys, what they do and how they are "Running with the Pack" this year.  I will also be doing some history from last year, so the new scouts can have an idea of what type of events we will be doing throughout the year,  Kristy Coco, Jim Coco's wife has given me all of the photos that we will be putting up and I will be taking photos and working with Kristy from here on out for photos.  Please, in your own Dens take photos and send them either to the pack email which is or directly to me,  I'd also like to have information regarding what your dens are up to during den meetings, so we can all keep up with each other and know what is going on.  

The next few blogs will be introductions of our Cub Master and his team.  They have all been working very hard to make this a great year for all of the boys.  They have many activities planned and I will do my best to keep you all posted on what is going on.  If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at my personal email above and I'll do my best to answer any questions you have regarding THIS website, any other questions... they go to Jim and Tommy Barrios.  

During Meetings, the boys will go off and do an activity.  Some may be repeats of what you have covered in your Den Meetings.  If it is, they have your scouts help the littler ones who may need more help.  Here are a few photos of the boys building bird houses while Jim offered the parents his words of wisdom.

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